Consulting Program

The Consulting Program is designed to help our customers deal with the ever-changing world of DMEPOS reimbursement in a manner that best fits your needs. This program can be conducted on-site at your location, or via telephone and Internet. As a provider, your risks have grown. CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) has rapidly increased the number of audits it conducts and private funding sources are becoming more stringent. Our Consulting Program can reduce the occurrence of errors in your company’s claim documentation procedures, and help you stay in compliance with all the regulations.

Some of our individual services are listed below. This is not an all-inclusive list; many of our services are individually created based on our customers’ specific requests.


  • Mock Medicare Audits – A random sampling of patient charts is reviewed to identify possible problem areas in the area of required documentation and proper claim submissions. This may be conducted on-site or done online. This service is typically the first step prior to conducting customized staff training based on the specific errors found.
  • Operational Analysis – Your company’s operational process will be reviewed as it relates to all areas of reimbursement, from initial order intake through the receipt of the funding source payment. This analysis will allow you to learn where changes are required or where changes could make your company more efficient, bringing better profitability.
  • Reimbursement Educational Training - Customized training sessions will be developed and tailored to your needs. These sessions can be conducted for individuals or departments and can be completed on-site, via teleconference or webinar. Topics may include, but are not limited to: product training, medical terminology, proper form completion, medical coverage policies, and collections.
  • Patient File Reviews – Individual file reviews (also known as pre-screens) are completed to assess if the product order meets medical necessity requirements and to provide proper coding and modifiers as required by key funding sources. This service will provide your company with the reassurance that not only will you receive proper reimbursement, but that you will also survive an audit.
  • All-in-One Reimbursement Resource – Our customers can retain The Orion Group to assist with their overall reimbursement questions or any special projects. This service can be conveniently provided via telephone or email.